D’Gorath of the Realm available to buy digitally

5th January 2013

    The last couple of weeks of 2012 were spent with me putting together a little project I’ve had in mind for some time, a look into D’Gorath’s past. I didn’t want to do an origin story (as they can be terribly dull) but decided to choose a moment in his early life on […]

An Exciting Summer and What’s Next

14th September 2012

  Hello to all you folks that may be reading this post! After the summer I’ve had I figured I should do a bit of an update! I’ll try not to get too caught up in details though and keep this short and sweet! I attended San Diego comic con again with my comic buddy […]

Bristol Expo 2012

15th May 2012

  So last weekend (the 11th to the 13th) I was down in sunny sunny Bristol. Originally I wasn’t going to go to Bristol, I wasn’t too fussed and having a comic that is currently only available digitally means cons are more of a social/awareness raising thing for me. My boundlessly enthusiastic friend and colourist Andrew Tunney […]

The Doctrine of the Great Eater

27th April 2012

Curious, that you all resist the Eater. Read our Doctrine and understand the joy in the Great Feast. Each course is there to better our world and ensure only the worthy survive. I’ve had way too much fun with the cult of the Great Eater, there’s something fun about designing doomsday cults. This is a […]

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Mark Penman is a UK based freelance illustrator and comic book artist. Works include self published comics, anthology contributions, tutoring, workshops, and commissioned illustrations for publication.

Mark’s current project is the comic series Peabody & D’Gorath produced by SLG comics.