D’Gorath of the Realm available to buy digitally

5th January 2013



The last couple of weeks of 2012 were spent with me putting together a little project I’ve had in mind for some time, a look into D’Gorath’s past.

I didn’t want to do an origin story (as they can be terribly dull) but decided to choose a moment in his early life on Earth, a nice story about him helping Alfred the Great in routing vikings from the noble county of Wiltshire.

The story debuted at Thoughtbubble 2012 and sold well, in fact I sold out of all of my special wax sealed editions!

I burnt my fingers a fair few times doing this!


I was having a few problems with sorting this out into a decent pdf (I know ridiculous) then Christmas came up so it got put on the back burner.

Now though I am pleased to announce that you can buy a digital copy of the book from my brand new big cartel store for the princely sum of £1.50!


Here is a link to the store- MDPenmanStore


And to entice you further I have a few pages from the book to show off! Enjoy!


Mark Penman is a UK based freelance illustrator and comic book artist. Works include self published comics, anthology contributions, tutoring, workshops, and commissioned illustrations for publication.

Mark’s current project is the comic series Peabody & D’Gorath produced by SLG comics.